Neal is the author and contributor to 3 books.
His work and contributions are centered around education, psychology, and wellness.
Me, Myself and Mindfulness is a psychological workbook for 8 to 14 year olds. It tries to make their lives easier to navigate in today's fast-moving and complex world. It focuses on such important issues as listening well, speaking clearly, defining one's identity, and deciding what we really want and need.
"I found this little workbook amazing...The book contains six chapters which illustrates the learnings of Gita and her brother. In each chapter, the author invites the child to learn a new psychological concept through storytelling and hands on work...'
-Camila T
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We have been led to believe, or molded into believing, in a limited conception of what is humanly possible! Humanistic/Holistic psychology is this new, developing theory of human development which challenges some of the underlying premises that have dominated American Psychological thought since the 1900's. It is often referred to as "the third force" and is distinct from Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism, which have been the two previous forces in American psychology. This book... (click to read more)
- Gabby P
"Neal brings the thoughts of the most forward thinking psychologists of this new paradigm of belief and illustrates their common themes to discuss theories in transpersonal, humanistic and holistic psychology in an intelligent read."
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Holistic Healing links together a wide range of progressive theories, research and practices from the exciting field of holistic studies to create an alternative paradigm of healing and social change. This practical and insightful guide offers a uniquely comparative and integrated understanding of both ancient and modern Indigenous, Eastern, and Western practices, including traditional healing practices from around the world... (click to read more)
Neal, and his wife, Dr. Jan Wall, are contributing authors in Holistic Healing. Their contribution addresses mindfulness and holistic health and wellness in the institutional setting of colleges and universities.